
"Carthago delenda est - Ceterum censeo Carthaginem esse delendam"

viernes, 12 de abril de 2013

SOCIMI’s - S.I.C.’s o REIT’s. Possible Roadmap of Spanish SAREB²

Many of you know the new framework and taxation laws to driving force this financial drive, which have had a failed path since its implementation in 2009.

This business and corporate figure, has its origin in the famous American REITs (Real Estate Investment Trust), regulated in 1960 by the Congress of the United States, the original sense was for large-scale investments in real estate were was also accessible to small investors and other channels, allowing also the participations of small savers and investors.
German REITs – Felix Leuscner – Diploma Thesis

The botton line, was, equate investment of Real Estate with as any industry investment. That is, in this case, through the purchase of securities. Therefore, although will not required, most of them were established as publicly Traded Companies.

With independence of initial desire or willingness and always in accordance with The Regulator Bureau, the potential diversity of investor and the complex property assets, not only has increasingly and diversified in specialized companies, also has gone to include very different corporate profiles and investors with a very unequal size.

Profitability has also evolved as have been perfecting their management models currently on the European market, they offer returns that compete fully with other classic values, like a public debt for 10 years

Exported to Europe, this figure has been in our nearest sphere an exponential development. Maybe not draw attention the number of companies created under this heading - not usually exceed fifty in the country - but it does call attention the size of these companies and its buildings. Thus its, value and weight in the Country market are important.

The case of France, the S.I.C. (Sociétés Immobilières Cotées), regulated since 2003, managing assets around €40,000 million, the REITs in the UK and Germany, regulated in 2007 more than €20,000 million , …

The Global Index Series contains the Developed Markets indices and the Emerging Markets indices (launched in January 2009). View the FTSE EPRA/NAREIT Global Real Estate Index daily returns.

In Spain, the present controller, has eased significantly the strong conditions of access and creation of such societies, homogenizing the international reference framework and offering a very advantageous tax planning.

Focusing on the title this light article, and ignoring the fact that year 2009, definitely was not the most ideal time to invest in real estate assets, the framework under which they are regulated in our Country and has just been "updated", doing it, not only more attractive to the existing Equity Fund Managers; Companies with Real Estate Funds and other Investment Funds, also for accessed new European players on our territory.

The bet of current Government's commitment to promoted the rental market with the enactment of driving force measures as: The Comprehensive Plan for Housing and Land 2013, Recent changes in the LAU, (Law of Urban Leases)  and Royal Decree that regulates the State Housing Plan 2013-2016 among others ... They act around as a tools to again update and driving force it, the  legal safeguards for tenants and landlords, also "injecting" new models of funding and support for the renewal, adaptation and access of such assets.

It is an important tool, which seems to have been conceived in this second chance, as an ad-hoc tool to give a possible solution the huge stock Spanish property failed or in stand-by, currently in the hands of large corporations, agencies and building Companies. And even, as "binder" of small real estate investors,   asset owners today "insecure".

Martin Sainz-Trápaga Castell


²Sareb: Asset Management Society From the Banking Restructuring.
Sareb is constituted as a public limited company, of private character, whose exclusive object is the tenancy, management and administration direct or indirect, acquisition and transfer of assets that they transfer him credit institutions that to the coming into force of the Actual one decree-law 24/2012, of 31 August, of credit institutions restructuring and resolution were found mainly participated by the Fund of Restructuración Banking Ordinate (FROB) or that, in the opinion of the Banco de España and after the independent evaluation of the needs of capital and quality of assets of the Spanish financial system, made in the Frame of the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) signed between Spanish authorities and European on 20 July 2012, are going to require the opening of a process of restructuring or resolution of the ones considered in the Act 9/2012.
The Sareb has as a main goal the clean-up of the Spanish financial system .
Currently, Sareb has entrusted to the ceding company its transmitted assets management.

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